All orders must be placed through our online store.
The minimum order value is € 10.00 excluding postage.
We do not accept orders by mail, phone or facebook.
We ship orders worldwide.
Orders are prepared on the day we receive payment.
Orders are sent by CTT, in registered mail, after we receive payment.
Along with the order it will be sent the invoice. If you detect any difference in the values
or products in relation to the order you made, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If the payment is not carried out within 15 days the order will be considered void.
In case the shipping address is incomplete, delivery of the order may not be successful, and the customer will be responsible for payment of new shipping costs in the event that it is returned to us.
Price Information
The retail prices shown on www.sitiodasartes.com and its sub-domains are presented in euros. VAT is included in all mentioned prices.
The costs of the shipping service are borne by the user and buyer, and add to the total value of the selected products. The user will be informed of these charges before confirming his request and completing the purchase process. Sitio de Artes reserves the right to change prices at any time. However, it undertakes to apply the rates and prices indicated at the time of making the purchase order.
In the event of a computer, manual, technical, or other error, which causes a substantial change not foreseen by the Arts Site in the retail price, in such a way that it becomes exorbitant or manifestly derisory, the request will be considered invalid and void.
Payment Terms
Country - Portugal
Bank transfer - When the order is finished, the client will receive an automatic e-mail with the necessary information to make the bank transfer.
After confirmation of your payment, the order will be processed and shipped by CTT, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
IBAN - PT50 0045 7210 4030 1223 2057 5
Payment by ATM machine – sitiodasartes.com allows you to pay your purchases by using the payment services in an ATM machine or through your online bank (home banking). After the payment the order will be processed and shipped by mail or carrier. Beyond the security and reliability of this system, the expedition is typically carried out within 24 hours. The proof issued by the ATM or Home banking is the payment proof, save it.
The payment is made by using the data that we provide you in the order confirmation (Entity, Reference and value /amount), as follows:
Entity: 10559
Reference: 921 XXX XXX
Value / amount: XXX.XX
Payment by PayPal - PayPal is an enterprise belonging to the group eBay. It was founded in 1998 in order to allow financial transitions between clients and enterprises simply using an e-mail, easily, quickly and safe.
It uses for that an infrastructure from banks and credit cards with the most recent systems to prevent fraud thereby providing a safe solution for real-time payments.
Is at present the worldwide leader in solutions for online payments with 70 million users and is available in 38 countries. Many are already the buyers and sellers from eBay, Internet shops, business and traditional business that make use of this facility to send and receive payments by PayPal.
The site www.paypal.com has already received about 20 worldwide awards of business on the Internet.
To make the payment by PayPal you can use the following credit cards: VISA, MasterCard,
American Express and Discover.
Outside the country
We ship merchandise to all countries.
In the international orders, the clients will be contacted by e-mail, to inform them
for the postage in their countries.
Country - Portugal
The postages (shipping coasts and delivery) are €5,90 for orders up to 2kg.
In the orders over €150,00 and up to 2kg, the shipping fees will be FREE.
For orders exceeding 2kg the client will be advised of the postage excess to pay, even if
it has been made an advanced payment.
You can still get your order in our shop free of postage.
Outside the Country
In the international orders, the clients will be contacted by e-mail, to inform them
about the postages to their countries.